We live in a time of great confusion, fear, change and division. There are so many things plying for our attention. We are so busy. There is so much noise.

The idea of truth and wisdom is becoming ever more obscure. Knowing which information to listen to is becoming harder and harder. There is a deep craving for simplicity, clarity and purpose amidst the noise. It has never been more important to remember what is real, to be be confident about what is true and important.

J.B.Phillips also lived in a time of great change, uncertainty and fear. He found a way to cut through the confusion to the truth. The truth about about who we really are, what our purpose is and what is real. Like so many great men, he had a rare ability to see things as they are, and express that truth simply and effectively. He was a pioneer, the first of his day to translate the New Testament into modern language that people could understand. His clarity in communication through simple yet eloquent use of language allowed a generation of people to understand ancient texts for the first time in the way they were meant to be understood. C.S.Lewis wrote of his first translation, ‘it is like looking at a familiar painting after it has been cleaned’. 

It is our hope that in this time of change, uncertainty and confusion, the wisdom and insight of this great man will stir many afresh. The need is very great.

Peter Croft